Nail That Phone Interview

Congrats! You have made it past the initial barriers to employment, namely the resume and cover letter. Now that you have gotten the attention of your potential employers, it’s time to seal the deal by acing that interview. But in order to help them weed out prospective candidate, a number of employers are using the phone interview as an additional step in the recruiting process.

Rather than let that impact your confidence, you should take it in stride. Not exactly sure how to present yourself well over the phone? Here are a few tips that will put you on the right path and help you prepare to make a great first impression.

Be Prepared

Ironically enough, the best thing you can do to ace a phone interview is the same thing you would do to look good in person, do your homework. If the phone interview is unscheduled or spur of the moment, the likelihood is that you will get caught on your heels and won’t look (or in this case, sound) as good as your competition. Easy things you can do to prepare for a phone interview include making sure you have a professional-sounding voicemail message, be sure to answer the phone yourself, and take the call in a quiet place with no distracting background noise.

Do Your Homework

In addition, you will sound better prepared if you thoroughly review your resume and cover letter before the interview, practice talking about yourself and the company with a friend or family member, do some research on the employer, the job description, and any related projects that might be relevant to the position you are interested in. Prepare a few questions that you will likely have. Even if they answer a number of those questions before you have the chance to ask, being prepared makes you look invested in the company and in the job.

Be Sure You Listen

The stress of an interview can sometimes bring out strange traits in people. But you can really exhibit your communication skills in a phone interview by showing off your listening skills. Internalize the information that is presented to you at the beginning of the call. Take notes so you remember a few talking points for later as well. Keep an ear out for things that you have in common with the interviewer and with the job description. Those commonalities and conversation starters will help to make you more personable and memorable later on in the process.

Remember to Smile

Phone interviews can be particularly awkward because you are not able to make eye contact with your interviewer. Voices can easily come across as cold or impersonal without a smiling face to connect to. The easiest way you can make your voice sound pleasant and friendly is to smile while you talk. Also, sit up straight or even stand during the call, it will have a surprisingly positive impact on your tone of voice.

Sentech Services one of the top staffing agencies in Detroit, also featuring jobs hiring in Fort Wayne, features an experienced and talented staff to help with your employment needs. Contact us today!

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