While the number of manufacturing jobs may have declined over the last century, that doesn’t mean there aren’t still good paying manufacturing jobs available.
Changing Time, Changing Jobs
Just as it always has, the kind of work we do changes. Less people farm today than 1,000 years ago and there certainly aren’t many lamplighters working in our cities any more. The same is true of jobs in the “Rust Belt,” particularly in Southeast Michigan and Northern Indiana.
Where once-upon-a-time a young man could easily go out and get a job on the line, there are now slightly more barriers to entry. Jobs, the good-paying kind, require more and more specilization and skills. Thus, the workfroce has become more talented, creating greater compitition.
For manufacturing workers today, that means having and holding onto a job can be a truly stressful endeavour.
Time to Think Ahead.
These changes don’t always have to be a bad thing. It means the jobs lead to better opportunities and better benefits. When those jobs are hard to find in the first place, turn to a staffing services that can help keep you in those jobs and let you know about the next opportunity.
Lack of High-Paying Jobs
With increased skills and demand inevitably comes higher pay, so it’s safe to say that digital manufacturing has shifted the pay curve for the whole of the manufacturing industry. Not every job will make an employee a six-figure salary, but there are plenty that will. In order to meet the changing demands of the industry, colleges and trade schools are customizing their curriculum to provide the schooling that will prepare students for the modern market. Today, an entry-level mold technician can expect to make up to $70,000 per year, right out of school. The average salary in the U.S. is just north of $50,000. So all things considered, the manufacturing industry is looking pretty competitive.
Work with a Leader in Detroit Staffing
At Sentech Services, we have the people and solutions you need to fill any of your job openings. Contact our great team of recruiters today to work with a leader in temp services in Detroit!